It all started with Joshua, at the age of 8.

In February 2021, Joshua, aged 8 became unwell. He was paler and more tired than usual, he was picking up every virus going and began to struggle with walking without pain. He was referred by the GP for blood tests as an iron deficiency was suspected. 

Unfortunately before those tests were done, Joshua became even more poorly - out of breath, vomiting and lethargic - so was rushed to A&E. Blood tests showed Joshua needed a blood transfusion so he was admitted into hospital that evening. Within two days, he was diagnosed with leukaemia and within four days he was diagnosed with had TCell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. A blood cancer that attacks the t - white blood cells.

Due to the aggressiveness of childhood leukaemia, Joshua's treatment began straight away. The most intensive stages were for the first 8 months but his total treatment time was three and half years long.

During Joshua's first stages of treatment, he spent a lot of time in hospital. It was Joshua's Mum noticed that he, and other children, ran out of clean clothes quickly due to side effects of their medications. It was almost impossible to do laundry at the hospital due to the facilities being difficult to use and so many families bought new clothes instead. It was also noticed that a lot of children, including Joshua who lost 25% of his body weight in just 6 weeks, had major weight fluctuations which meant they needed new clothes to fit their new body shapes.

It was at this point the idea of LWW was born. Joshua's family wanted to lessen the burden on other families like theirs in some way and felt that donating new clothes along with some other needed items for the families in need could be a good way to start.


Meet the Trustees

Chrissie Roberts, Chair and Warrior Mum

Matt Roberts, Trustee and Warrior Dad

Mel Henley, Trustee and Warrior Grandpa

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